healthy eating
Now, the demand for health knowledge has to a fanatical point of this is a good thing, but it also illustrates our "What is the real health, health and physical relationship" more and more confused. Long time, because we have been constantly on the run for life, the doctor exclusive patent of the medicine-related expertise, so we simply can not be a systematic understanding of their physical health.
Today, "not sick of the secrets of the book brings together the United States more than 300 authoritative expert advice and recommendations, the most authoritative interpretation of body systems and health. If we do not know our body system, our health may be very bad, not the failure of this part is the red of that organization. Imagine your hair, nose, heart, liver, gallbladder, kidneys ... an important part of the body to accompany you for life, but you know nothing about their working conditions, they can not get sick? Now, only rely on themselves to control their own health. Only in this way, you have to own real health!